I hate running. I do. I just hate it. But at the same time there is something about running that makes me keep coming back to it. I had to run in college, not by choice, but for cheerleading. Then, running was associated with a punishment or doing something wrong. Show up late, run laps. Mess up on a cheer, run some more. Running, to me, equaled being punished.
Last summer, I randomly mentioned to my Mom that I thought it might be neat or cool if I could run a 5k at some point before 2009 ended. Then at that time, there was something (aka someone) that held me back. The punishing feeling I associated with running wouldn't go away because I thought I couldn't do it and someone else really thought I couldn't do it or more importantly, they could do it better. At the end of the summer, a lot of things started changing, and I finally made the turn to start running again and running for myself. A good friend of mine suggested we should do a 5k in the end of October. I debated back and forth but knew this would be the perfect opportunity to accomplish my summer goal. I signed up for the race with about 4 days to spare, and I am so thankful I did. Finishing the race without stopping was such an incredible personal accomplishment and exactly what I needed in my life at that time. I needed to get confidence in myself back after a rough ending to the summer.
What I didn't expect to happen was my new addiction/liking to doing 5ks. Maybe I just enjoy getting the free t-shirt or seeing a cheesy photo of myself crossing the finish line, but I do enjoy them. I may moan and groan up until the days before, but I honestly love the satisfaction I get from finishing the race.
It still amazes me how quickly things can change in a matter of months especially when it started as doing the Tulsa Run at the end of October...

Then turned into doing the Jingle Bell Run in December...

and now this Saturday I'm doing the St. Patrick's Day Run. This will be my 3rd 5k in less than 5 months! Crazy how things can turnaround so quickly in your life, but I guess that's why I've just been running around and chasing it and loving my life now a whole lot more!
You are a stronger person than I friend. Running is not for me.