Sunday, February 6, 2011

What I've learned from living in the arctic tundra...

I love living in Tulsa. I really do. There are great restaurants, lots of fun things to do, my friends, and you get to experience all 4 seasons. Spring, summer, fall, all are exceptionally great, even winter. Well, that was until Tuesday when I woke up and realized Molly and I had moved to Alaska overnight, as we were greeted with 15" of snow! Luckily, we were not in Alaska with Sarah Palin (thank goodness), but instead this insane amount of snow had just been dumped on Tulsa, or as I like to refer to it now as the Arctic Tundra.

During my week in the arctic tundra, I have learned a great deal about survival tactics that I need to share.

1. You can never have enough soup in your house. My snow week diet consisted of soup, fruit, and lean cuisines. And, for some reason when I looked at the ridiculous amount of snow on the ground my friends Miss Progresso and Mr. Campbell always made me feel much better.

2. Owning a puppy is key to keeping a small bit of sanity during a snow-pocalypse. Molly and I shared numerous discussions about what soup we should make today, what DVR-d show we should catch up on after lunch, what sweatshirt would make the best snow fashion statement, etc. But most importantly, having a snuggled up puppy asleep in your lap makes working from home the best thing ever.

3. Just because you pay your gas bill, doesn't mean you will still have hot water. Now, we will not go into the gas bill story circa July 2010 because that is a.) not blog worthy due to high embarrassment and b.) I would have to die my hair back blonde to pass it off as a blonde moment. Point of the matter is...pipes freeze and you lose hot water, but if you just cry to your momma a whole lot, hot water will eventually come back. Moms know how to make everything better.

4. I will always own a gas guzzling, non-Eco friendly, big ole SUV for the rest of my life. Sometimes when you've been cooped up for so long, nothing gives you greater satisfaction than taking out a snow mound in your beast of a car. But, Despite the fact that I was driving a suburban for the week (not the best snow mobile), the positive side was Molly and I could go on a mini-vacation back to 1973. Our new favorite pastime includes, sitting in the car, booty warmers turned on of course, and brushing up on our 70s on 7 with XM radio.

5. You know you are from Arkansas if you think your garden shovel can pass off as a snow shovel. For some reason my sweet little garden shovel that is perfect for planting hydrangeas and azaleas is not so sweet when it comes to digging through 15" of snow.

6. Countdowns to vacation just might be the one saving factor to realizing there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Florida vacay with my favorites is only 154 days away!



  1. I am in awe of your impressive survival skills!
    Love you,

  2. And I am in awe of your pink shovel!!
