Not only was Saturday the best day ever because I found a dining room table, but I also got to see my childhood music idol in concert, Reba McEntire. Reba and George Strait were in town, and at the last minute I got an extra ticket with one of my good friends. Our tickets soon got upgraded when we found out some of our friends had extra tickets in the TU suite for the show. It wasn't too shabby getting to watch some country legends on TU's tab...=)
Sorry the picture isn't the greatest, it's from my phone.
Reba was wonderful. She sounded great, she was funny, I knew every word to every song...it was just awesome. The only thing that could have made it more perfect was if Mom was there to sing the Linda Davis/Reba classic duet of "Does He Love You,"our personal favorite.
Oh and let's not forget...cute, studly, little cowboy George Strait was there too...

images from countrymusic.com, nothingfancy/wordpress.com
I used to sing Does he Love You over and over and over. But I always wanted to be Linda for some reason?