Wednesday, February 17, 2010

There's always a first for everything...

I once said I would never start a blog. I had several reasons why I shouldn't, why I wouldn't, and why I just couldn't bring myself to put my life out there. Besides, I figured nobody would even want to read this besides my blogger/best golf friend ever Katie, who is quite the blogger ( and my family.

Over the past 7 months, numerous things have changed in my life, changing me for the better. Changing me enough to start this, my very first blog.

I do have some ground rules for my blog that I feel will be best if I put it all out there up front.

1. I will not blog just to say I posted something on my blog today. For 2 reasons, A.) I don't want my blog to be a play-by-play of my day and B.) Blogging just to blog would take away valuable Molly spoiling time.
2. Speaking of Molly, I will be blogging about my wonderful, amazing, hilarious, goofy, nine pound furball quite frequently. Mainly because she makes my life much more entertaining, and she puts the fun in funhaver.
3. Well, I guess that's all the ground rules I have...

Overall, I want my blog to be fun and happy and be a good scrapbook to keep up with the ever-changing, new adventures in my life...whether that be a funny story, silly puppy moment, or a home improvement project!

So, that's it for now...let the blogging begin!


  1. YAY! LB finally has a blog! I'm excited to see an abundance of Molly photos and home improvement projects! And yes, please don't take away from precious Molly time. Bring on the story of LB. Change is good. =)

  2. this is geezer dad
    looks good

    give Molly a pat

